Found 5 LAT sources within 4 deg of search center!
[Nota Bene: Source distances are estimates and plot may go to hell at high dec]
2FGL J1712.4-3941 (258.111,-39.6872) is 0.226401 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1715.4-4024c (258.873,-40.4011) is 0.740082 deg away. Flags [32 => 000001000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1714.5-3829 (258.63,-38.4924) is 1.28122 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1718.3-3827 (259.585,-38.454) is 1.60157 deg away. Flags [0 => 000000000] [Source Info]
2FGL J1718.1-3725 (259.537,-37.4278) is 2.4984 deg away. Flags [4 => 001000000] [Source Info]